Decorative Bathroom Faucets

Decorative Bathroom Faucets

No matter how diminutive, these small bathroom decorating ideas will ensure your WC is as stylish as any other room of the house

Even the smallest of bathrooms can effectively combine utility and beauty. With careful planning, clever storage and a surprise element of decoration you can create a truly distinctive space that's as interesting as the rest of your home. From complete renovations to instant adjustments, there are several ways to utilise the space on offer that mixes function and style, and also remains harmonious and tranquil. Here, we show you creative and simple small bathroom decorating ideas to make the most of this space, no matter its size.

1. Pattern perfect

Although wallpaper is not usually the first consideration when decorating a bathroom, a printed paper can add instant decoration and make the space feel more homely and less sterile. However, you should carefully consider where wallpaper is placed – ideally not on a wall where it is likely to be heavily splashed from the shower or bath – it can be used to great effect.

A monochrome toile design (top) teamed with a mid-grey paint tone on the panelling provides an interesting and stylish backdrop to the plain white sanitary-ware. Deep and dark paint tones can work exceptionally well in small spaces as they give the space an unusual cocooning quality, which is perfect to relax in. Running a long shelf along the top of the panelling also provides a handy ledge for washing essentials and beautiful pieces.

Room, Interior design, Wall, Interior design, Fixture, Linens, Ceramic, Pottery, Shelving, Porcelain,

Photo: Simon Bevan

2. Neatly stored

A made-to-measure low-level built-in cupboard – as seen above – offers storage in a bathroom in the eaves with limited wall space. Coordinating with the bath panel, the tongue-and-groove cabinet has been painted in the same tone and made to the same height as the bath – this way, it ties in seamlessly with the existing decoration and allows for items to be displayed on the top. Open and lidded woven baskets act as a towel rack and as extra storage for smaller items, while a compact handheld shower is sympathetic to the rooms proportions.

Room, Furniture, Interior design, Wall, Yellow, House, Floor, Tile, Building, Living room,

Photo: Rachel Whiting Styling: Alaina Binks

3. Rustic appeal

In this bathroom (above) reclaimed wooden floorboards have been used to clad one wall behind the bath to add character and charm. This eye-catching idea gives the space an unusual and distinctive focus point and enhances a modern rustic scheme when teamed with an old painted iron bath and distressed furniture. A vintage corner cabinet and tall leaning ladder – ideal for hanging towels – adds simple storage while continuing the salvaged theme and earthy-toned towels, a lace panel and crochet rug soften the look.

Bathroom, Room, Property, Interior design, Sink, Bathroom cabinet, Floor, Furniture, Building, Tile,

Photo: Simon Bevan

4. On the ledge

Narrow shelving above the window makes a feature of the high ceiling in this pared-back bathroom above, where books and decorative glass jugs have been placed on display, but remain out of the way. The pale scheme of white painted walls and woodwork keeps the room feeling light while the pale wood adds warmth and interest.

Room, Furniture, Blue, Curtain, Property, Interior design, Wall, Bathroom, Bed, Floor,

Photo: Brent Darby Styling: Ben Kendrick

5. Refreshing colour

A patchwork of patterned tiles, seen above, creates a striking impact when used on the floor. Here, a collection of chalky geometric designs all linked by colour, from Bert & May, gently introduces colour and pattern without becoming too overwhelming as the majority of the space is white. A coordinating linen curtain gathered below the sink adds a pretty touch – here St Jude's Meadow's Edge linen has been used to continue the watery colour scheme of sea greens and blue.

Room, Bathroom, Furniture, Yellow, Interior design, Pink, Wall, Shelf, Sink, Home,

Photo: Charlie Colmer Styling: Hester Page

6. Pale and pretty

Decorative floral accessories from lightweight curtains to a beautiful painting, seen below, have enlivened this white space to create a unique bathroom, without having to redecorate. Simple changes, from replacing towels or hanging a new blind or curtain, is an effective way of introducing pattern easily into a small space with a relaxing feel. Add more interest by mix and matching freestanding and wall-mounted furniture, from vintage to new pieces, finding the most suitable combination for the space.

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Decorative Bathroom Faucets



Drywall For Bathroom Lowes

Drywall For Bathroom Lowes

Before America discovered drywall, interior home partitions were made of stone, mud, lath, plaster, wood, and concrete in various combinations. Drywall is cheaper, more convenient, and easier to work with. It's commonly used for walls and ceilings, but it's not a waterproof material. Because it's naturally porous and lightweight, it's easy for liquid to seep through and grow mold.

So when you're considering bathroom drywall, you need a few extra steps to prevent water damage. For instance, your drywall might be mixed with foam, plasticizers, and other materials. These substances make your drywall less flammable and reduce the risk of mold and mildew.

The additives also help your drywall absorb less water in general, which is a key feature for bathroom use. Drywall is sometimes referred to as sheetrock or gypsum board, so we'll use these terms interchangeably. But first, let's look at the available types of household drywall.

Types of Drywall

Drywall variants are differentiated by their thickness, the additives included in their formulation, their outer coating colors, and their function. Here are some examples:

  1. Cement board – infused with cement for waterproofing.
  2. Greenboard – tinted green and finished with thick wax paper for waterproofing.
  3. Blueboard – tinted blue and infused with gypsum crystals for better bonding.
  4. Whiteboard – standard sheetrock, and it's the most common kind.
  5. Type X and Type C – both these boards are infused with glass to make them fire-proof.
  6. Paperless – instead of using paper on the outer layer, this board uses fiberglass sheets.
  7. Purple drywall – this is a brand name for mold-resistant and moisture-resistant drywall.
  8. Soundboard drywall – infused with wood fibers to improve the passage of sound (e.g. in amplifiers, musical instruments, and speakers).
  9. Soundproof drywall – laminated with wood, polymers, and gypsum to lower sound transmission (e.g. in recording studios, nurseries, or honeymooners' bedrooms).
  10. Enviroboard drywall – made of recycled cellulose (e.g. straw from rice, wheat, barley).

Of the variants we've looked at so far, cement, green, blue, purple, and paperless sheetrock are the preferred types for your bathroom. This is because they resist mold and mildew. Be careful though, because while these boards can withstand water better than whiteboard, they're not completely waterproof. You'll still need an extra layer of waterproofing behind your tiles.

You should also be careful if you're installing drywall on your bathroom ceiling. Sheetrock is made of fine fibers that dissolve into a paste when they're exposed to water for prolonged periods. Plus, when the effect of bathroom humidity is combined with gravity, your ceiling boards are likely to sag and break their bond with your ceiling joists. They just won't hold.

Benefits of Drywall

drywall thickness

North Americans use more sheetrock than any other nation in the world. It's suited to the local climate, especially in areas prone to natural disasters. In such states, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes are seasonal. So homeowners have to regularly restore their damaged homes. These houses also need to be lightweight, to reduce the risk of injuring residents during disasters.

Drywall is favored because you can install it quickly for emergency repairs. It's deliberately designed to be porous, which makes it lighter during construction, easier to work with, and cheaper to transport. But the porosity also makes it more susceptible to moisture damage. So be careful when you're selecting the type of sheetrock you'll apply in your bathroom.

Regardless of where you're installing it, drywall is preferred to brick, concrete, stone, wood, or even plaster. You can easily cut it, so sizing, positioning, and framing are easier. It's pocket-friendly, and even if you don't buy fireproof variants, gypsum withstands fire better than other construction materials. This is because gypsum has a lot of intrinsic moisture – about 50%.

How Sheetrock Fights Fire

When your drywall catches fire, the water turns to steam before the solid sections start to burn. This buys you some time so you can escape to safety. A bathroom is unlikely to have flames, but if you plan to take long baths with scented candles, be wary of your bathroom drywall. Invest in fireproof gypsum if you have a Jacuzzi or hot tub because there's an added risk of an electrical fire.

Possibly the biggest advantage of drywall is insulation. The porous fibers encourage capillary movement, so liquids pass through them quickly. But those pores discourage the loss of heat. This keeps your home warmer and lowers your utility bills. Of course, the reverse is also true. A drywall house will cool down more slowly, so it can get stuffy during warmer seasons.

Drawbacks of Drywall

drywall sizes

On occasion, the advantages of drywall turn against it. It's quick and easy to install, but it's just as easy to dismantle. So even when nature isn't trying to destroy your house, drywall easily succumbs to wear and tear. The outer surface of your drywall is often made of paper, so you may accidentally punch through the wall, or even fall through it during particularly rough play.

You also have to be careful about the type of drywall you're using. Greenboard may be fine for your basement, and whiteboard is fine for regular room partitions. But if you have a studio (or a teenager's bedroom), you'll have to pay more for specialist drywall. This may include soundproofing, waterproofing, fireproofing, or fiberglass finishing, which all costs extra.

Professionalism is another thing you lose with drywall. If you hire contractors to mount your drywall, you'll end up hiring mechanics (drywall hangers) and a float crew of finishers (mudmen and tapers). These extra hands all cost money, but they'll ensure your drywall is properly fitted and neatly finished. If you install it yourself, you may end up doing a shoddy job.

Contractors vs DIY

The difference may not be that obvious. But little things like uncovered joints, roughly scored outlets, mismatched corners, and visible flaws can make all the difference. Fixing those amateur errors may cost more than if you had hired drywall contractors in the first place.

Finally, while your drywall may be marked as waterproof or fireproof, there's no consistent standard. So, for instance, all colored drywall resists water to some degree. But there's no guarantee that Type C sheetrock from different companies will offer the same degree of fire resistance. Similarly, some builders will swear by greenboard for bathrooms, others prefer blue.

Things to Consider for Bathroom Drywall

types of drywall

At its core, drywall is a panel of wallboard. A moist mixture of gypsum plaster is squeezed between sheets of heavy paper, pressed down, and dried. The plaster may be mixed with wax, ground gypsum crystals, fiberglass, wax, and similar materials. Professional sheetrock installation takes a day or two. It will probably take longer if you're a DIY contractor.

When water touches your drywall, it quickly seeps though. This water can separate the drywall from your anchoring beams. Or loosen your screws and connectors. Over time, all the plaster turns into a wet, gooey mess and falls apart. Even if the plaster doesn't disintegrate completely, it can warp, discolor, and sag. The wood, water, and plaster can also invite termites and bees.

Avoid Uninsulated Sheetrock

That's why you shouldn't use ordinary sheetrock for your bathroom. Instead, pick a type that's specifically designed for wet conditions. Options include greenboard and cement board. Cement board infuses your gypsum plaster with cement, while greenboard uses thick wax paper for its outer layer. This waterproof wax coating has a green tinge. That's how the drywall gets its name.

Blueboard is also popular in bathrooms. It's not as water-resistant as greenboard, but it dries quickly during application. It's mostly used as a veneer, and it's good at fighting off mold. Its edges are square, so it's easier to install blueboard. Because blueboard particles offer less shrinkage, blueboard forms a thicker outer layer, meaning you only need one coat of veneer.

Best Boards for Bathroom Drywall

bathroom sheetrock

Cement board is among the most popular choices for bathroom drywall. It's expensive though, and it still needs a waterproof barrier. It works better than greenboard but takes longer to install and requires more skill. Greenboard is a more affordable option. And while you can mount it without moisture-proof backing, it won't resist water as well as cement board does.

Other options include drywall that's mixed with fiberglass or regular glass. You can also look for drywall that has fiberglass shells instead of paper backing. The fiberglass does a better job of keeping moisture away. Ensure your bathroom drywall has a waterproof coating, whether that coating is wax or silica. And if the drywall will be submerged, add waterproofing behind the wall.

This last feature is essential for bathtubs, shower enclosures, wet rooms, and sink. These portions of your bathroom will be constantly underwater, so they need additional layers of protection. Check your bathroom drywall regularly. The slimmest crack or the slightest chip could bring the whole wall crumbling before you even notice. And that could cost lives.

Installing Affordable Shower Drywall

If you're looking to do a basic job of drywalling your bathroom, you don't have to spend too much. Spend a few hours watching YouTube tutorials to ensure you understand the technique. The videos will also show you the right tools, so if you don't already have them, you know what supplies to invest in. For the most rudimentary shower, you can use regular whiteboard.

This is commonly available, and because it's cheap, you can afford to make mistakes as you go. That said, whiteboard doesn't hold back water. So before you apply the drywall, insulate your walls with thick plastic sheeting. Lay the plastic carefully, overlapping its sections. You want to be sure there are no lapses where water can leak through. Waterproof tape trumps nails.

Paper Plus Plastic

Yes, you should still secure the plastic sheets using screws and nails. But remember, these holes can lead to leakage and rust, so tape does a better job. Once every crevice is sealed in plastic, use a utility knife to cut your drywall to size. You can also use a utility knife to cut out holes for your faucets and fixtures. Ensure they're in the right position to avoid drywall wastage.

Use your power tools to secure the drywall to your plastic. Double-check that the nails or screws go all the way through to your wall studs. Because this drywall will be exposed to water each time you bathe or shower, and because you've used slim whiteboard, this bathroom drywall isn't enough. Follow up with carefully mortared tiles or cement for further waterproofing.

Maintaining your Bathroom Drywall


The outer surface of your bathroom drywall is ideally waterproof, whether it's wax-coated or fiberglass. For additional protection, paint the drywall with glossy, waterproof paint. Some homeowners will even lay tiles over the drywall in their shower cubicles and bathtub coping.

Whether your drywall is painted or tiled, it needs regular care. Wipe the walls with a damp cloth dipped in mild detergent. The best time is just after a bath or shower when the walls are steamed up. Though you can run the hot water for a few minutes to generate steam, even if the bathroom isn't in use. Dry the walls to avoid the accumulation of damp smells and humidity.

Keep the bathroom well ventilated, and check the walls for hidden mold. You can sometimes see it peeking through your tile grouting. You might also see dark spots showing through the paint. These suggest a leaky pipe, which increases the likelihood of unseen mold around the leakage. The paint might bubble, peel, or chip, and you might notice an odd tell-tale smell.

Resolving Mold Problems

When you suspect mold in your bathroom drywall, you may need professional conformation. Inspectors can use fiber optics or mold testing kits. For both systems, you have to make a small hole in the drywall and poke around. An inspector may have to physically access your ventilation ducts and look around. Never do this yourself, as you may catch a respiratory infection.

If you've noticed mold, you can buy mold removal spray at the hardware store. Or you can brew a home-made concoction of vinegar, borax, and water. Both of these options are good for wall tiles. But for the mold that may be hidden behind the surface of your bathroom drywall, it's best to call professionals. Otherwise, your whole bathroom wall may cave in … or you might get sick!

Bathroom Drywall Checklist

Bathroom refurbishments are among the most common DIY projects in the US. And you'll probably avoid (expensive) outside help here are some tips for your bathroom drywall:

  • Look for sheetrock that can resist mold, moisture, and mildew.
  • We recommend cement board, greenboard, blueboard, paperless, and purple board.
  • Confirm whether you need additional waterproof insulation.
  • Check your drywall regularly for any cracks or flaws.
  • Use the right fasteners for your chosen type of sheetrock.
  • Consider sound transmission for en-suite bathroom drywall.

What's on your bathroom walls right now? We'd love to see a before-and-after in the comments!

Drywall For Bathroom Lowes



Russian Doll Bathroom Door Handle

Russian Doll Bathroom Door Handle

Screengrab via Netflix.

This post contains spoilers for the plot of Russian Doll.

Every reincarnation of Nadia Vulvokov on the new Netflix series Russian Doll begins the same way; Nadia (played to perfection by Natasha Lyonne) stares at herself levelly in a gold-framed mirror, before being interrupted by persistent knocking. As she registers the knock, we absorb the space she's in—it's the platonic ideal of a swankily rehabbed Alphabet City bathroom (in a loft we soon learn was once a yeshiva), tiled in foreboding black with gilded fixtures and seemingly limitless space.

When Nadia casts a frustrated glance at the pounded-upon door, we get our first clue that ceci n'est pas un typical bougie powder room; the door is inlaid with a softly glowing, bluish-purple geode, its light reflected on the black tiles that surround it in a way that's reminiscent of Dan Flavin, or Katie Stout's "haphazardly utopian" work. In the series's pilot episode, we get a long shot of the door before Nadia yanks its gun-shaped handle open to begin her Groundhog Day-esque trip through time and space; that Chekhovian maxim about guns going off comes to mind.


Screengrab via Netflix.

The door is referenced at one point in the episode by Nadia's artists friends Lizzy and Maxine, who bear credit for its design within the show's universe and worry that it's "too vaginal," but Russian Doll production designer Michael Bricker was more inspired by space than by the female body. "I liked the idea of the door being ominous and mysterious, sort of galactic in shape, or bacterial, like an amoeba," Bricker told GARAGE on Monday.

Bricker carefully thought out every aspect of the apartment's architecture prior to shooting, even providing a blueprint of the space to Vulture, but he notes that the door is special because "it's the first sign that you're entering into an artist's creative space. When you're first introduced to Nadia you have no idea what she's stepping into, but you see this strange Alice in Wonderland door that tells you things will be unexpected once she passes through that threshold."

"As we talked more about the loft space overall, it became more about creating this serious, artistic mystery portal, serious and artistic, and that level of abstraction is why people are so curious about the show," continued Bricker, adding, "Rather than just being a papier-mâché vagina, as it was in the script, the door needed to tee up the audience's exploration of the fantasy land of this art space where Nadia's through the rabbit hole." Other art pieces throughout the loft are done in a similar style, because that's how Lizzy and Maxine work, says Bricker.


Screengrab via Netflix.

The construction of the door was somewhat arduous, says Bricker: "It became this cool challenge of, how do we make this glowing creepy thing that fits within the thickness of a door? We used layers of wax paper, I remember sketching the shape out on cardboard. I wanted it to be this thing that was very orienting, but different than the mirror, a little bit ominous; I loved how it reflected the tile so you get this triplicate that's a visual theme we intentionally planted in places throughout the series, with the dual elevators [where Nadia first meets her fellow reincarnator Alan], the dual doors in front of Alan's apartment. We did a lot with left and right over the course of the series; Nadia was right, Alan was left, and they'd flip locations over the course of the season."

One of the most evocative scenes of the series comes in the final episode, when the camera pans out and above to show that Nadia and Alan's bathrooms exist next to each other in the strange, disjointed universe that the show occupies, with the fly that continually pesters Alan in his bathroom making its way over to Nadia's. "I had the thought to build the bathrooms back to back and reveal that they're looking at each other with that sense of duality; she's on the right, he's on the left, the fly from his universe comes into hers, which obviously can't be real, but that's the magic of the show. The door feels super-relevant to that magic, but also not at all; within the universe of the show, it's just an art piece that Lizzy made."

Russian Doll Bathroom Door Handle



Furniture Cabinets For Bathrooms

Furniture Cabinets For Bathrooms

Bathroom Furniture And Storage

Loxwood Stool Oak

Grey Storage Unit

Bathroom Storage Furniture

Here at Dunelm, we understand the importance of a tidy space when it comes to maintaining a relaxing atmosphere in your bathroom . After all, when you're relaxing after a long day, who wants to spend time in clutter?. With this in mind, we offer an extensive range of fixed and free standing bathroom storage furniture including bathroom cabinets, bathroom drawers, and bathroom storage units to help keep your essentials organised and your surfaces clear.

Tuck your lotions and potions out of sight with our range of wooden bathroom cabinets and bathroom drawers. Whilst our plain wood cabinets will bring a touch of charm to your home, our white free standing bathroom cabinets benefit from a fresh painted finish that will blend unobtrusively with most decors. Some of our most popular bathroom storage units come in natural wood, white, and grey.

Our mirrored cabinets also double as a handy reflective surface in which to check your appearance as you brush your hair or wash your face, making the most from your bathroom storage. A corner bathroom storage unit or cabinet can work well in smaller bathrooms, and a narrow storage cabinet is equally effective when space is at a premium.

When it comes to bathroom towel storage, our bathroom drawers offer the perfect space for folded towels, keeping them close at hand for immediate use. For a rustic twist, our wicker drawers will make a stylish statement whilst also providing room for fresh towels and a variety of other bathroom products. For smaller bathrooms, our tall and slim bathroom storage units units present a useful storage solution without taking up excessive amounts of space.

For a small toilet or shower room, you'll need something a bit more compact, that's why we also stock a range of small bathroom storage units as well as under sink storage and vanity units. Don't forget to check out our range of hooks, caddies and accessories too!

Browse our full range to find beautiful bathroom furniture to suit you and your home.

Furniture Cabinets For Bathrooms



Gray Bathroom Trash Can

Gray Bathroom Trash Can

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You're reading Entrepreneur United States, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

Do you throw away documents, tickets or invoices at home? It is important that, when disposing of them, you do so responsibly. The real estate portal shared some recommendations to protect your personal data and avoid trashing in your home.

What is personal data?

Personal data identifies you and distinguishes you from others, points out the Infoem. It is about: name, telephone, address, fingerprint, license number or social security. Also medical and financial data.

"This information is useful to carry out paperwork or transactions physically or online," adds Leonardo González, Real Estate analyst at .

What is trashing?

Usually this personal data is on paper, computer, video or in the cloud. By wanting to eliminate documents or materials where this information appears, you can expose yourself to fraud such as trashing.

This crime exists both physically and digitally. They both consist of searching for and retrieving important information from the garbage. Also, passwords that you saved on your computer and then sent to the recycle bin.

  • Read: Recommendations to avoid financial fraud

The INAI indicates that, to recover this information, criminals can apply artisan procedures, such as collecting broken documents, searching for the pieces, and putting them together with tape. Another is the use of specialized software.

How to avoid physical trashing?

The INAI explains that destroying and erasing information is important to protect your confidentiality, integrity and availability.

To avoid physical trashing, the institute suggests shredding. In this regard, González recommends that, before buying a shredder for domestic use, you analyze the type, size of the cut and capacity.

Although the INAI does not recommend these techniques very much - due to their environmental impact - you can also delete your data by incineration or use of chemicals. The first is an option to destroy documents, reducing the paper to ashes.

In the second, specialists from The Competitive Intelligence Unit (The CIU) explain that the ideal is to use alcohol. "The water does nothing to them, but if you add alcohol to them, you will see how it is destroyed," they say.

In the case of tickets, they suggest reviewing sensitive information and crossing it out with an indelible black marker. Meanwhile, the Condusef advises that, when you get home, you watch your mailbox and take your account statements or bank documents as soon as possible.

Also, when you go to the ATM and receive the ticket, do not leave it at the branch. Better destroy the bits and throw them away when you get home.

What to do in the event of attempted fraud?

Ernesto Piedras, CEO and general director of The CIU, explains that the ideal is to have a culture of prevention at home.

If for some reason you did not delete an important document correctly and you receive a call mentioning your full name and the termination of your card, the first thing you should do is hang up and contact your bank as soon as possible.

When you implement these techniques, in addition to protecting your personal data, you also protect your wealth and that of your family. Put them into practice and live more safely.

  • You may be interested: What is 'friendly fraud' and why can it kill your business?

Gray Bathroom Trash Can



Bathroom Remodel Fort Smith Ar

Bathroom Remodel Fort Smith Ar

Get matched with top home remodeling contractors in Fort Smith, AR

There are 8 highly-rated local home remodeling contractors.

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Recent Home Remodeling Reviews in Fort Smith

  • These guys did an amazing job! Very dependable and trustworthy! They went above and beyond on our bathroom remodel and even painted the outside of our home and made it look brand new! I really appreciate all the hard work these guys put into our home!

  • Mike's Home Repair & Remodeling

    Excellent, out of three other companies Mike saved us nearly 20,000 for sure. Mike and his crew were very professional. They showed up on time early, they were very dependable and the work they did is just beautiful. I'm hiring them back for in the spring!

    Donna B.

  • We hired DH Remodeling to build an addition and do a full home remodel. Idan the compny owner was ( Lucky us) our project manager and he was great to work with. He was easy to communicate with, and tried to work during the planning and proposal phase. JOSE, the construction foreman, and his crew, were also always friendly and professional. The end results are beautiful and the project was on-time and on-budget for the most part, but it wasn't completely painless. It's not like an HGTV show where you just hand off the project, they do all the work, and you come back to a completely perfect home. While Idan gives great design idan provide us 3D design, and suggests places to shop at where he gets discounts, he even send his designer to shop with us and its was very efficiency(save us allot of time and money) the job done on time and we so happy with resolts ,. Overall, it was a good experience with great results, and we highly recommend DH Remodeling and IDAN you was great thnks allot

    Keith M.

  • He works with clients really well I feel like he understood exactly what I needed and wanted done. We are now selling the home and everyone who walks into the house has great things to say about his work. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needed anything done. The cost and value of his work is tremendous not only that his estimate came in well under the cost of a lot of other good contractors. He provided quality work and quality driven products I would without a doubt use him again

    Stephan C.

  • Henleys Remodel And Repair

    Very punctual, considering we started the week of Thanksgiving, and continued through the Christmas holidays! Very professional and my opinion, my "Chip and Joanna Gaines"! Will be using them for other projects!

    Lynn O.

  • Stanley Scott Master Craftsman

    The estimate part went great. He was punctual, professional, easy to talk to. I decided to not go ahead with project due to job changes.

    Nancy C.

  • Ken was very professional, prompt, and efficient in his work. All of the things we requested to be changed, installed, or repaired were done in about a half day. We are very pleased with his responsiveness to our request for a bid; he promptly worked us into his schedule the next day to do the work.

    Patricia J.

  • Stanley Scott Master Craftsman

    Stanley Scott Master Craftsman did very excellent work. We thought the price was quite affordable because he did a good bit of rebuilding in the bathroom. He gave very, very good suggestions, easy to work with, and the think we liked best is that his practice is to focus on only one project at a time so he was here continuously rather than going from here to other projects and back when he could. We were able to get the project on course very nicely. He was here three or four weeks working on that. I thought he did a very good job. He was always right on time

    Rhonda M.

  • He has stood by his work. If I find something that is not to my satisfaction, he has come back and fixed it. He drove down from Springfield and fixed a leak without making it a problem.

    Barbara J.

  • They were as nice as they could be. Their work was so great, that I didn't mind paying extra for their services.

    Darlene Z.

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    JoeBet Painting and Pro Services LLC. interior/exterior painting and drywall. We offer professional interior design and custom painting contractor. We personally perform, manage , stage and over see each and every step of the projects task, one step at a time, and there is several done at the same time of one another mostly all the time. We do all the. Planning , all the finish work , texture , trim work , door installation. , remodel work small rough framing my self. We hire out the major ..

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    Mike's Home Repair and Remodeling can handle any of your home improvement or remodeling needs! Call us today for a free estimate!

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    Business Description:

    ARCBAZAR provides online architectural design. Services include: New Residential, Remodeling, Interior Design, Landscape, and Commercial Spaces. Clients launch a competition for a project online at by providing a brief description and images/dimensions. Several Architects & Designers participate in the competition. By the end, Clients receive multiple design packages and choose the best solution. To view completed projects, please visit

home remodeling contractors in Fort Smith

Companies below are listed in alphabetical order.

To view top rated service providers along with reviews & ratings, Join Angi now!

  • #

    • 3-D Construction Inc

      13542 S 235 East Ave




  • A


      1714 River Ridge Drive

      Van Buren



    • A&A Remodeling Inc

      810 N 8th street

      Fort Smith



    • Adams & Son Roofing & Construction LLC

      PO Box 6213

      811 South I St., Fort smith AR, Business Location
      Fort Smith



    • Affordable Roofing & Remodeling

      109614 S 4760 Rd




    • Aloha Floors and More LLC

      109940 S 4744 Rd




    • American Tubs

      17940 Ajax Cir

      City Of Industry



    • Anthony Hubbard Construction

      504 Northview Dr.

      Van Buren



    • Arcbazar Inc

      114 Western Ave




  • B

    • Bath Planet of Arkansas LLC

      1801 Higdon Ferry Rd

      Hot Springs National Park



    • Bath Planet of NW Arkansas

      5364 Bleaux Ave




    • Benefit Plumbing of Fort Smith

      4300 Rogers Ave

      Fort Smith



    • Benson and Co

      880 Acadian Point Dr




    • Blueprint Construction

      1043 Terrah Ln




    • Bolding Construction Company, Inc.

      304 S 14th St

      Fort Smith



    • Branson Construction LLC

      5614 S Y St

      Fort Smith



    • Branson Construction LLC

      621 Main St.

      Van Buren



    • Branson Tile and Hardwood LLC

      8708 S. 32nd Terr.

      Fort Smith



  • C

    • Cabinet Door World

      909 10th St NE



      North Carolina

    • Cabinet Giant Kitchen Cabinets by Cabinet Giant

      7600 Gardner Ave

      Kansas City




      701 S Howard Ave

      Ste 106-238



    • Classic Copper Works

      9443 Cossey Road




    • Cody Patton

      2109 W Graphic Rd




    • Cory's Handyman Service

      3209 Holyoke Ave.

      Fort Smith



    • Country Home Enterprises (LLC)

      107 Dewey Ave




    • crew experts llc

      1827 Whippoorwill Dr




    • Cripple Creek Construction

      1636 White Rd




    • Custom Marble

      6511 Pierce Dr

      Fort Smith



  • D

    • Dirty Deeds Handyman Services

      PO Box 86




    • Do it all
    • Double M Services

      2205 E Okmulgee St





      PO Box 6336

      Fort Smith



  • E

    • Eastern Service Company

      23532 Mt. Pleasant Rd.




  • F

    • FFH Construction LLC

      3203 Waco St

      Fort Smith



    • fisher family tile

      1304 N 46th St

      Fort Smith



  • G

    • G & B Construction

      PO Box 1614




    • G&S Contracting LLC

      311 W North St




    • Genesis construction
  • H

    • Hampton Enterprise LLC

      254 W Lawrence Harris Hwy




    • Hands Of Integrity Services

      2915 S. Coker St.




    • Heavenly Homes Construction

      134 N MAIN ST




    • High Quality Handyman Services LLC

      1013 N 47th St

      Fort Smith



    • High Tech Home Warranties

      4208 Six Forks Rd, Suite 1000



      North Carolina

    • Home & Lifestyle Renovations & Remodeling
  • I

    • Integrity Air And Home Services

      2021 Beacon Ridge Way

      Van Buren



  • J

    • Jim's Fiberglass

      1825 Zion Church Ave




    • JoeBet Painting and Pro Services LLC

      4422 Wirsing Ave

      Ft Smith



    • Jonathan Danciu Construction

      8914 ROCK CREEK RD




  • K

    • Ken Smith Electric

      P.O. Box 3375




  • L


      7316 OAKLEY DR




    • Long Island Productions

      PO Box 7723

      Van Buren



  • M

    • Mastercraft Renovations

      3317 S 35th St

      Fort Smith



    • Mer-2 Construction

      12109 Ivory Place

      Fort Smith



    • Mike's Home Repair & Remodeling

      PO Box 6665

      Van Buren



    • Mike's Quality Paint and Drywall Inc

      474033 E 1055 RD




    • Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Greater Fort Smith

      1300 Knoxville St

      Suite 2
      Fort Smith



    • Multiples Services
    • MyHandyman - Budget Fence Builders Fort Smith

      PO Box 2584




  • N

    • Natural Looks

      10805 Whippoorwill Lane

      Fort Smith



    • Natural State Building and Remodeling

      592 Private Road 1699




  • P

    • Painting plus

      5822 Gordon Ln

      Fort Smith



    • Patriot Contracting Group, LLC

      4216 Alma Hwy

      Van Buren



  • Q

    • Quadrant Dynamics

      11505 Fountain Blvd

      Oklahoma City



  • S

    • Sawyer Properties

      1400 Palm Ave

      Van Buren



    • Self Contractor

      215 N Claremont Ave





      1599 S FRED HANNA DR

      Suite B



    • Service Connection

      5918 Highway 271 S

      Fort Smith



    • Side Jobs

      P.O. Box 10681

      Fort Smith



    • Smart Dogs

      347 W Plumwood Rd

      Van Buren



    • Surface Renew Inc.

      18715 MacArthur Dr

      North Little Rock



  • T

    • Thomas Ciccones' Business Consultant Entrepreneur

      1135 North Wickham Road




    • Toney Construction

      312 Margurite




    • TTA Construction

      Po box 315




  • V

    • Versa-Tile

      119 B Dogwood St




    • Vic & AL construction
  • W

    • Warmzone

      12637 S 265 W Suite 100




    • WEBKO Construction & Remodeling

      234 East Miami st.




    • Westark Plumbing

      3117 Waco St

      Fort Smith



    • White Diamond Construction

      1121 Taos Dr

      Van Buren



Angi Ratings

Home remodeling contractors in Fort Smith are rated 4.51 out of 5 based on 808 reviews of the 14 featured Fort Smith pros

The Angi rating is an overall rating based on verified reviews and feedback from our community of homeowners.

Bathroom Remodel Fort Smith Ar

